
Line stroke weight:

Quiz time!

Your nickname:
State your Automatic Control experience level

Redo the quiz as many times as you want.
Can you reach Professor level in 90 seconds?



Let's go compete!

The quiz helped me:

LU-PZE: Lund University Pole-Zero Explorer

- an Automatic Control theory playground

This webapp is a tool for understanding transfer functions commonly found in automatic control theory.

Initially, you see four different transfer functions, each with its own color. They are visualized as:
* Upper left plot is the Bode magnitude plot |G(s)|, for a range of angular frequencies.
* Lower left plot is the Bode phase plot arg(G(s)), for the same range of angular frequencies.
* Upper middle plot is the Step input response graph. If you want to see the impulse response, use the "Unit step" selector in the upper right corner.
* Lower middle plot is the Nyquist diagram.
* The right Pole-zero map is the location of the poles and zeros in the s-plane.

Additional transfer functions can be summoned by clicking the at the top.
The sliders and values are yours to play with. Any value can be changed. Click and drag anything ...and your task is to figure out how these graphs are related. The Assignments can guide you, or the Achievements can inspire you. Press fullscreen icon to see more. If you get lost, click the reload icon at the top right! Reloading the page in your browser will clear achievements, assignments and tasks.
Full source code is available at GitHub.
What's new? Read the version history.


Frida Heskebeck
Pex Tufvesson
Department of Automatic Control.
Lund University, Lund, Sweden.

U(s)= \frac{1}{s} G(s)→ Y(s)

Click or here to add next graph

Dear Adventurer,

This is your
Automatic Control

Left click/drag for actions
Right click for questions

Can you reach
the next level?

Click to continue

Phase margin: NaN   Gain crossover frequency: NaN   Gain margin: NaN   Phase crossover frequency: NaN